I returned from Seoul, S. Korea several weeks back where I saw and experienced a prayer culture and movement in that country of Christ believers so dedicated to prayer. People in the midst of hustle and bustle of city life, still go for prayer meetings early in the morning at 4am and 6am. This is rare and almost extinct in developed countries where people in cities tend to be more self-centered. Almost every church of the 60,000 plus churches in Seoul alone has prayer going on every other morning. Almost every Christian Korean I met longs for, in prayer, God to move in great revival over North Korea: - that which once happened in Pyongyang in 1907-1910 which swept many souls into the kingdom of God will happen again in present day communist N. Korea (World War II divided the nation to the communist North and the democratic South with the flourishing church in current day South Korea and persecuted Christians in the North) For decades, churches in S. Korea have been preparing teams of young pastors to be ready to share the Gospel once the doors open in the North. It’s no wonder that people say the Korean church will experience one of the greatest revivals ever. While I was there, I certainly caught and felt the tremendous heartbeat God has placed in the heart of Koreans for the unification of their nation and also revival. As great darkness covers N. Korea, so shall the glory of God arise over the nation (Isa 60:1-3)! During the short 5 days in Seoul, a significant day in history also unfolded with the election of Park Geun Hye as South Korea's new president and first ever woman president to take office. People everywhere are wondering what her election will mean for the future of North-South relationships. So do continue to stand with Korea in prayer in this critical hour. We are living in a critical hour where God’s people must rise up to make disciples of the nations and shine forth His glory even as darkness covers the earth! FOR YOUR ACTION: If you have a prayer house in your area, and you would like to make it known through the YTN platform, please drop us a message! Together we can fulfil the vision of a house of prayer in every church and in every home! Karen Gan For YTN platform Transforming Youth, Transforming Nations P.S. Here's a really powerful song for Korea.
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This Sunday, April 14 is Global 4/14 Day. You find out how to participate in a day of prayer for children in the 4/14 Window on Global 4/14 Day, April 14, 2013 at www.global414day.com.
![]() SCGM Missions Breakfast: Transforming Youth, Transforming Nations Returning from Korea, I was invited to speak at Singapore Centre for Global Missions Breakfast meeting where it was a tremendous time with Singapore Church pastors and Missions pastors to connect the generations! I was able to challenge the leaders of the church to re-think its work with and for children and young people. I also shared strategies with much of the senior leadership present from different denominations on how Gen Y’ers (Youth and Young adults) can be reached, rescued, raised and released to reach, rescue, raise and release the 4-14 generation. The work of reaching the young generation is not just at the doorstep of our churches but IN our churches!! YTN SG CONNECT!
In Singapore, we had a fruitful time of discussion at YTN SG CONNECT with Young leaders from different fields like Media, Worship, Sports, Pastors, Emerging Youth leaders, Next Gen(4-14), Prayer, Missions, Disadvantaged and Marginalised. They comprise Video producer, Music composers and Worship leaders, Sports Coalition facilitator, Youth Pastors, Prayer leaders of Children movement, Missions leaders, New Generation Church leaders, as well as emerging generation leaders working with children and women at risk. We want to continue to believe in Young leaders to bring positive biblical transformation into society! We can do more together than we can alone! This saying is so true: If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together! Do pray with us as we are seeing God move in ways that we have never seen before. Thank you for your giving and support I was able to be in Seoul for the 4/14 Global leadership retreat, with Dr Luis Bush, Dr Bambang and Rev. Nam Soo Kim with the host pastor Rev. David Kim of the vibrant Hallelujah Christian Church and various leaders representing various tracks like Theology, Missiology, Pastors, Gen Y, Media and Literature, Children in Prayer, Family and various Regional Facilitators from around the globe. For 4 days, we provided leadership structures to the movement. I was able to represent the Gen Y’ers(20-30 somethings) to see the movement take shape to involve the young generation more in every aspect. Please pray and stand with us as we continue to strategize and steer the movement, pressing forward to reach, rescue, root and release children in the 4-14 window and youth as transforming agents in the world! The church needs to release children and youth to fully engage in God’s mission of disciple making and transformation. Our friendships are forged by the unity of God's purpose! Forward we go for the sake of next generation & future generations! This global movement is a loose network of collaborative partners who are self-funded. Christian leaders from around the globe come together in regional, national alliances, fellowships and denominations to make an urgent appeal to consider the strategic importance and potential of the 1.2 billion children and youth in the 4-14 Window.
Will you stand with me especially with your prayers and giving as we seek to reach the young and the next Generation? If you would like to give to this designated cause, you can indicate 4-14 Window, but a general donation will go towards the causes on YTN platform anyhow i.e. 4-14 window, YTN connect, Missional church planting, etc. ![]() YTN Connect was launched in Hyderabad on 1 Feb 2013 with more than 50 Youth directors/leaders of Youth ministries from various churches all across the twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad. The time of interaction was very enriching. For many of them, it was their first time meeting other Youth directors from the city and the connection served as a platform for them to collaborate to bring transformation through the various gates of the Arts and Entertainment, Business and Finance, Communications and Media, Church and Religion, Education and Schools, Family Policies and Government. It’s a good start for them to begin working together to bring transformation into the city where they live! Special thanks to Solomon John Baptist for convening YTN in Hyderabad, India. We flew into Hyderabad yesterday and today drove 2 hours to the Medak district where Jason and I had the privilege of training pastors and women leaders from about 200 villages of the Medak district in Andhra Pradesh on "Missional Church Planting and Discipleship". Here are some pictures of what happened. We received very encouraging feedback from the pastors and leaders that they were blessed and found the training very helpful; and they wanted more!
![]() Through many of your gifts we are able to sponsor the care and education of 50 children in our very own ChampionKids Home and Jireh English Medium School. Praise God! On 30 January we had a ground-breaking ceremony on the recently purchased half acre plot and will be starting construction of the home and school soon! We believe that ministry in Vijayawada for the orphanage should become self-sustaining and will get going on cultivating the land. Though income is minimal, it is important to utilize the land until sufficient funds are raised for construction. We also had a 4/14'er who came on this trip and he was both a blessed and a blessing! Check out the ChampionKids here! |
Youth TransformNations LimitedYTN is a platform serving to champion, connect, collaborate, commission & converge movements to bring TRANSFORMATION in cities & nations. Archives
May 2013